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Shrimp and Vegetable Fried Rice

Our 35th day of self-quarantine .  We are eagerly awaiting the governors press conference today because he's suppose to talk about outdoor recreation activities and maybe lift restrictions on golf, fishing and hunting.  Bruce is eager to hear this one because he wants to be able to play golf again.  It seems to me that golf would be safe enough.  Our state is taking things really slowly so we won't have a second wave hit us of the coronavirus .  Now, every time the governor comes on the air, we're eager to hear what will be the next thing to open.  Last week, he allowed construction workers to go back to work. (I'm so glad our remodel is all done.  We started our remodel one year ago exactly.)  Two neighborhood farmer's markets opened last week, too, with lots of restrictions but at least that's something.  Our neighborhood farmer's market hasn't started back up yet, but when it does, it will be interesting to see how it's changed.  They have them so the produce stands are far apart and cars can drive by and have their orders handed to them.  The vendor has a long stick to hold a portable credit card machine to reach the customer so they can swipe their card to pay.  There are also a monitored number of people allowed to walk along the market but you can't touch anything.  It's going to be interesting to see all the modifications everyone makes to continue with our daily activities once restrictions are lifted.  Everyone keeps saying this will be our "new normal".  I don't mind the new normal.  I just want to get back to some sense of normalcy.  I can handle wearing a mask and gloves everywhere I go, I just want somewhere to go and I want to see things start to open up again.

This stay-at-home routine hasn't been all bad and it's been interesting to see how it's really caused us to get organized.  We've planned out our meals well in advance and our groceries last so long.  We really only go to the grocery store every ten days or so.  We get cravings for things, of course, just like everyone else but instead of running to the bakery or coffee shop,  I just make it like the chocolate cake in a mug, banana oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, or apple crisp that we just finished up last night.  That really hit the spot all last week.  Yesterday, I started "spring cleaning" and started cleaning out closets and drawers that have gotten out of control in the past five years of living here.  My intent is to finish unpacking boxes from our move.  And there are still a lot of unpacked boxes.  You'd think that whatever is in them, I probably don't need since I've gotten by this long without it.  The closet I cleaned out yesterday had three boxes in it still sealed up and labeled "office".  Do I really need three more boxes of office stuff?  I just dread opening all the boxes we still have so I'm cleaning around the boxes.  I figure once I clean out the closets and drawers in the house, then I'll tackle the during a pandemic. UGH!

This is a recipe we've made twice during our self-quarantine and I even gave some to Lauren when she came over for a visit and she loved it, too.  It's a really simple recipe with lots of good, healthy veggies.  It will satisfy your craving for Chinese food but with way less sodium since it's homemade.  You can use shrimp or chicken breast, whichever you prefer.  I get a week's menu emailed to me every week from a blog I follow called Lectin Free Mama to help me stay on my anti-inflammatory diet but I don't completely stay on it (thus the apple crisp...sugar is inflammatory) but I do like a lot of the recipes and I try to stay on it most the time.  The coconut aminos are an alternative to soy sauce since soy is also avoided, as is corn, on this diet.  You don't have to follow an anti-inflammatory diet to like this recipe, tho.  It's just an easy, quick stay-at-home fried rice kind of meal that you might like during these self-quarantined days ahead.

Serves 4

1 Tbsp. sesame oil
1 small yellow onion, finely diced
1 large carrot, peeled and finely diced
1 cup small broccoli florets
2 cups cauliflower rice
12 ounces wild-caught shrimp, peeled and deveined or chicken breasts, cut-up
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 large egges, lightly beaten
2 cups cooked rice
3 Tbsp. coconut aminos
2 scallions, sliced
Sriracha, for serving (optional)

1.  Heat the oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat.  Add the onion and cook, stirring, until slightly soft, 3-4 minutes.

2.  Add the carrot, broccoli, cauliflower rice, and shrimp and cook stirring. until shrimp becomes slightly pink, about 3 minutes.

3.  Stir in the garlic and move the contents of the pan to one side of the skillet.

4.  Pour the eggs into the empty half of the skillet and cook, stirring, until the eggs are scrambled and cooked through.

5.  Break apart the eggs and stir to incorporate into the vegetables and shrimp.  Add the rice into the skillet with the coconut aminos and heat, stirring, for about 3 minutes.

6.  Remove from heat and stir in scallions.  Serve with sriracha, if desired.


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