This is probably bad timing posting a salad when 71 million people are being effected by Winter Storm Jonas on the east coast. Here is a photo of my sister's car parked in her driveway who lives in Bethesda, Maryland. We visited her in September when we went to Washington, D.C. They are not new to snow storms. She says she is well prepared but doesn't look forward to when they lose power which they haven't yet. She worked from home Thursday and Friday since the first snow started falling on Wednesday evening. She started to drive to work on Thursday, but turned around and returned home when she realized how slippery it was and saw a couple accidents already. She's been homebound ever since. It's sounds exciting to those of us living in mild climate. Heck, I'm eating salads. We had snow for about an hour a couple Sundays ago, but it didn't last long and it didn't stick. It was exciting while it lasted. So, instead...