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St. Patrick's Day 2021

We had another low-key St. Patrick's Day this year except it was actually a turning point of a day because we went inside my sister's house to eat dinner.  I haven't been in her house in over a year because of the pandemic.  Now, the health experts are saying if people are vaccinated, they can get together and take their masks off inside.  But they are saying only one "outside household" at a time so no big groups.  It's so maddening all these rules and mentally exhausting keeping track of it all.  Yesterday was a turning point, nonetheless and it was so nice.  We were over there until almost 11:00 pm.  It's so much more fun talking in person than always over the phone.  I am eager to get together with more people because so many people I know are vaccinated now, even Nick and Lauren have had their first shots.  Although, vaccine or no vaccine, we have not stayed away from our kids or grandkids during this whole ordeal.  We got together less than we normally would have and we tried to follow the guidelines as much as we could but we were not going to miss seeing Nick's family after waiting seven years for them to move back to the U.S.  They live in a county with very low covid numbers so that's a good thing, I guess, but now that Bruce and I are vaccinated, we're going full steam ahead.  We'll start having our grandkids over to our house one weekday during the week to give mom a break and that started this week. We cram so many activities in during those hours.  This week we made snow cones out on the deck


and we made my St. Patrick's Day recipe from last year, Irish Soda Scones.




These are so good that I just had to make them again this year.

I also made little mini ones that make 16 instead of 8 and I plan to take them into my physical therapy clinic tomorrow for the employees. (I'm going to P.T. now for my other knee) Aren't these scones so cute? I think I like the smaller ones better.

For St. Patrick's Day dinner, I brought over some deviled eggs and put them on this cute little deviled egg serving dish that I got from my sister-in-law that she offered to me when they moved.  I thought it was so cute and perfect for St. Patrick's Day. 

I put some little cornichons in the middle since they're green and that was our appetizer for dinner. My sister made the traditional corned beef and cabbage dinner and it was so good with such a lovely table setting, as usual.

I am so excited to start getting together with people again. I know it will still be a slow process but in the meantime, we will try to make the most of all the little pleasures. Small, little groups they may be but I am truly enjoying every one of them.


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