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Showing posts from May, 2023

Sweet Potato & Ginger Chicken Nuggets

Tonight, I made another  Hannah Freese, RD  recipe and it was so good that I'm immediately posting it.  I think it might be more of an appetizer-type recipe but we ate them for dinner with a salad.  There was no dipping sauce recipe with these chicken nuggets but you could use soy sauce or a chili sauce like we used, as shown below.  The sweet potatoes in this recipe gives them a sweetness that makes them go down very easy because they are so good.   I ended up using white-fleshed sweet potatoes but if you used orange-flesh sweet potatoes then they would be orange colored.  I would like that color, especially for Halloween so I'm putting a Halloween label on this recipe. What a perfect Halloween party appetizer these would be.  I could go into the whole discussion about the difference between sweet potatoes and yams but there are so many different kind of each. Their names are used interchangeably and there are white- and orange-flesh types of bot...

Chocolate Covered Strawberries on Motherā€™s Day

Our Mother's Day was low key this year since Nick and family have moved away.  Our numbers have dwindled down to three of us now.  Lauren came over for dinner and Bruce barbecued everyone's favorite Teriyaki Flank Steak  and I made some festive chocolate covered strawberries.  I am feeling a little bit of my lonely-grandma-self but I suppose it's human nature after the past three years of being spoiled with my whole family here.  I keep thinking of my own mom who I would normally turn to for comfort at a time like this.  This is when I miss her the most, especially on Mother's Day.  Her motherhood wasn't all that easy, always saying goodbye to her children and grandkids, too.  She must have felt lonely much of the time just like I do now.  We do what we have to do when you don't live near your loved ones.  She rarely lived near her seven children once we all finished high school.  We all couldn't wait to move out and get on our own....

Greek-Style Shrimp Skillet with Tomatoes, Spinach and Feta

I've made this recipe twice already this month (and there's only been 3 days in May...!) so I thought I better post it. I got it from the Seattle Times last week and decided to try it out and I'm glad I did. It was so good that I invited my sister and her husband over for dinner and made it again the next day.  It's a perfect dish to have with guests over because it will totally impress them and it did.  The funny thing is that my sister saw the recipe in the newspaper, too, so she was delighted to come over and try it out.  This recipe is from a cookbook called The Complete Book of Greek Cooking and was originally called Shrimp Scorpio from the Recipe Club of Saint Paul's Greek Orthodox Cathedral. The book, published in 1990 and still available, is full of dozens of homestyle Greek recipes. This recipe is brimming with nourishing ingredients, too, like spinach and has all at the Mediterranean flavors we love. It really is a true winner. I am slowly getting b...