Since we've been home from Hawaii, it's been a sloooooooooooow process getting back into my regular eating routine by following Hannah Freese, RD's eating plan. I was very proud of myself in Hawaii by sticking to the plan most the time. I felt the best I've felt on a vacation in a long time, full of energy and very active swimming and going for daily walks with no aches or pains like I usually have. I can tell my joint replacements are working well and I felt so strong and healthy in Hawaii until I got covid. Yep, I got it. Darn it. First, my sister and her husband tested positive and three days later I tested positive so I had to isolate for 5 days by not leaving our condo. My sister and her husband both had coughs so they checked into a new condo to isolate. Bruce, mysteriously never got it for some reason...lucky guy! My brother and his wife were also there in another condo and they never got it, either. Th...