This title probably insinuates that the Mariner baseball season is over but it's not and that isn't what this post is about (although the Mariner season might as well be over since the rest of the games are away and there will be no playoffs for us.) This post is about Nick leaving town for three days during his visit from Japan to play baseball in Portland at his college alumni game. He's excited about playing in it this year because he's in pretty good shape since he plays on two teams in Japan and was invited to play on a third (photo above). He only went to one of the games for the third team because they play after work and that makes for too long a day when he'd rather just go home. The two teams he plays on are Japanese community teams. He l oves the Japanese camaraderie and the fact that they play in the mornings before work. We went to one of hi s games whe n we visited in June and saw first hand how much fun t...