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Mother's Day - Expressing Motherhood

Now that my kids are grown and out-of-the-house, I feel safe to post this video of my Expressing Motherhood.  This really sums it up for me.  It was never a dull moment!  You love being a mom but you do go a little crazy at times! I remember our messy minivan - especially after going to a drive-in theater with all our snacks to eat in the car.  We saw Babe  and Nick and Lauren loved wearing their pajamas, eating junk food, watching a movie from the car while staying up late. The movie didn't start until dark which was after 10:00 pm so we didn't get home until after midnight! What a thrill!  It was quite the trip for us since we lived about an hour away from where the nearest drive-in was in Auburn. Drive-ins don't exist that much so I was so happy to be able to give Nick and Lauren that experience, even if it did mean a seriously messy car afterwards.  I was a mom who always wanted to give my kids as many life experiences that I could.  That kind of philosophy will always keep your life interesting and never a dull moment and I'm glad I did.  For all of you going through the minivan phase of motherhood I have this to say - have the ride of your life!  A never a dull moment life will last until you drop them off at college. And then again, maybe not.  You will definitely have time to rest and more time to yourself but Nick and Lauren wanted to continue with the never a dull moment life in college.  Bruce and I continued going to Nick's baseball games and cheering him on in college

and again on his summer teams.  We heard all about his trips to Japan to see his new Japanese girlfriend. (Now his wife) Never-a-dull-moment.  Lauren helped start up the equestrian team at her college so it was always exciting going to her horse shows

and hearing about the team drama (I missed the show where she fell off her horse twice!) We got to hear about life in Italy when she took an art class there one summer, took Italian cooking class, and soaked up Italian culture.  Never a dull moment. I am a lucky mom - I won't deny it. My never-a-dull-moment kids have given me the best motherhood a mother could ask for.  I think about how lucky I am every Mother Day. I was also lucky to have a mom I could share so many happy moments with including happy times as a Grandma to Nick and Lauren.

She passed away in 2009 but I still think about her all the time and especially on this day - Mother's Day. She was a great mom to me and a wonderful Grandma to Nick and Lauren (and provided much needed help to me when I felt the urge to pull over in my messy minivan for a rest).

So, happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there and hang in there. I know it's never a dull moment but we wouldn't want things any other way.


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