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Showing posts from March, 2025

Apple Turkey Sausage Patties

Now that I’m back from my latest travels, I’ve been slowly getting back into my normal routine.  I am trying to eat 30 grams of protein per meal as recommended by the dietitian I was working with, Hannah Freese, RD.  She has discontinued her business but she helped me so much with controlling my weight and to follow an anti-inflammatory diet after my joint replacement surgeries.  I now only eat two meals daily and these little turkey sausages have really helped me start my day out right.  Quite frankly, it is hard to eat 30 grams of protein at breakfast but this recipe helps a lot. I've noticed that when I stick to her guidelines, I am not as hungry during the day plus I have no urge to snack.  Each of these patties are 2 oz. of ground turkey meat or 14 grams of protein; the egg is 7 grams of protein, I'll have a slice of toast (Ezekiel bread) with 1 Tbsp. peanut butter which is another 9 grams of protein and then I've met my goal of 30 grams.  Another brea...

Minestrone Soup

Soup season seems to last longer than we'd like to admit.  But, yes, it's still soup season.  We're having spring fever around here and, yes, the weather is getting warmer, sunnier, and overall just very nice and pleasant outside.  But I'm still craving the warmth of a hot soup.  We had this minestrone soup recently and everyone loved it.  My sister made it at her house but she's not sure where she got the recipe so I'll just give her all the credit. Her preparation of this dinner was a job well done! She and her husband live in Washington D.C. and they were also having spring-like weather but a dinner of hot soup still tasted really good to all of us.  We planned this trip to see Nick who spent a week there for work.  We jumped at the opportunity to go see him since it's a lot closer than going to Spain.   Plus, my sister lives there and she and her husband are a lot of fun and it's so nice to get caught up with each other's lives.  We saw N...