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Showing posts from November, 2024

Pumpkin Spice Curry Soup

I'm not sure I need another Thai curry recipe but I made this recipe over the weekend and it was very hardy and satisfying. This was a recipe in our newspaper and when I read it, I thought ā€œI like the idea of eating pumpkin spice soup this time of yearā€ (and a lot more healthy than pumpkin spice lattes...although, I like them, too!)  I don't have a soup recipe like this one but I have other similar recipes like this  Thai Red Lentil Curry & Spinach which we also recently had for dinner. I think it must be the time of year for warm, spicy meals. And then there's my Basil Red Curry Salmon that's one of my favorite salmon recipes. These two recipes both use Thai Kitchen's red curry paste and this Pumpkin Spice Soup also uses it. It's a super easy way to make a meal pop with flavor.                                                       I...