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Showing posts from September, 2024

Happy Birthday, Bruce

The month of September is nearly over now and I think we finally finished celebrating Bruce's birthday that was on September 8th.  I believe he had a total of four celebrations this month.  They just kept happening! I guess when you turn 70, that's a big deal, right?  We celebrated in a big way this year with another trip to Las Vegas to see the Eagles in concert at the Sphere.   We just returned so it's still fresh in our minds and we can't stop thinking about how spectacular it all was.  It's the most amazing venue in the world for a concert.  They designed the Sphere so acoustics are absolutely perfect and the visuals are amazing.  I wrote about it last year when we saw  Postcards from Earth  during our trip there.  But an actual music concert, and with non other than the Eagles, well…it was phenomenal.  I wish I could go again.   There are 167,000 speakers in the sphere that you don't see at all.  I don't understand all the technology but apparently the

Creamy Lemon & Dill Chicken Thighs

We've been home from our  summer vacation  now for two weeks and slowly getting back into the groove of a normal routine.  Usually, when we return from a trip, I get real motivated to "clean out" stuff around the house because I seem to see things with a new eye from being gone so long. This time, it was cleaning out the freezer. Who doesn't need to clean out their freezer, I mean, really?!  Needless to say, I found a package of meat I didn't even know what it was until I thawed it out.  I thought they were ham hocks for  ham hocks and lima beans .  (I didn't mark the package - a big no-no when it comes to freezer food.)  But when I thawed it out, they were actually chicken thighs.  Okay.  Lots of things I can make with those so last night for dinner we had this recipe from Hannah Freeze, RD, who has discontinued her business but who's diet plan I still follow.  I've  made this recipe a lot but realized I never posted it, so here it goes.  I like it be

Summer Vacation

It’s September now and summer is soon ending but I'm a little more accepting of that since we just had our highlight of summer; our summer vacation.  Once again we visited Nick & family in Spain and then went on a Mediterranean cruise together.  It was a great way to spend quality time together and being the grandparents that we are, Nick & Sachiyo got a lot of alone-time together while we played with the grandkids.  The kids hung out with us A LOT.  At there house in Spain, we mostly swam in their pool playing all kinds of pool games and silliness, something they never seemed to get tired of.   I also packed some chapter books along with us since the grandkids are now 6- and 8-years old so I tried to remember what Nick and Lauren loved for me to read to them at that age and remembered their favorite  Indian in the Cupboard  and  My Father's Dragon .  I got the three-book series of my Father's Dragon and it turned out to be exactly the reading level of the 8-year ol