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Showing posts from July, 2024

July Celebrations

Well, so far I am surviving the busiest month of the year of multiple birthdays and all the various celebrations of July.   When the kids were little, I would basically collapse when August came and say “I survived July!!” because it truly was an accomplishment.  We have my birthday in July, Nick’s birthday, Lauren’s birthday, (and Hana and Keaton’s birthdays but they aren’t here right now), our anniversary and then the Fourth of July all in one month.  It’s basically nonstop around here. Also, my sister came to visit this month from Colorado to see her newborn grandson (another celebration!) who lives just a few miles from our house so it was perfect for her to stay with us, plus I love having her here for lots of sister-time.  Of course, we had a family barbecue during her visit so we could all welcome the new addition to our family.  It was also good timing that my sister was here for my birthday, too.  We all went to dinner at a local neighborhood favorite restaurant called  Salty&