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Showing posts from June, 2024

Father's Day 2024

This year was a busy Father's Day but that's okay because the past few months have been rather relaxing for us.  I'm not going to say "boring" because the older I get, the more I like those kind of days and "boring" connotes negativity which isn't how it’s been at all.  I guess if we're  not traveling or having out-of-town visitors coming to our house, then our typical days are just "relaxing" and there's nothing wrong with that.  But this past weekend, my brother and wife came to Seattle so I decided to plan a family barbecue while they were here which ended up being on Father’s Day. After dealing with covid the past four years, I feel like I am getting back into the hang of hosting large gatherings again. I admit that I did get out of practice there for awhile.  The end of March was our Mariner Ticket Party and we'd only been home a few days from a visit to Washington D.C. but we threw that one together pretty well and everyon