I was a little late on the sourdough bread bandwagon during this pandemic but better late than never, right? I still haven't made sourdough bread but we have made sourdough pancakes a lot. A friend gave me some sourdough starter right before Nick and Sachiyo returned from Japan and now I haven't had any time to make sourdough bread because we've been so busy with the grandkids. I did make two loaves of Japanese milk bread before they came and they really appreciated that. They said it tasted just like the bread they're use to in Japan and one loaf lasted them a week. Sachiyo has a bread maker and she makes similar bread but it only lasts a few days because it's a very small loaf...unlike my gigantic loaves. (My recipe is Americanized!) We made sourdough waffles with this pancake recipe for the first time when the grandkids came for a sleepover and we had them for breakfast. They were as delicious as the sourdough pancakes. They a...