We are in Japan now and Sachiyo asked if I could make a "low sugar" dessert for Hana, which I happily obliged. Nick and Sachiyo are taking measures to feed Hana a healthy diet (as I did when Nick and Lauren were that age) and part of that is no added sugar. Since I've been experimenting with the Plant Paradox diet, I had already made these cookies from a blog called My Heart Healthy and Lectin Free Kitchen . I wasn't sure about them but Bruce said he liked them. Then my brother came over for dinner on Halloween and he said he liked them, too. He took them home since we were leaving for Japan and his wife really liked them and asked me for the recipe. So, I decided to make them in Japan and Nick and Sachiyo loved them and they were eaten really quickly. Nick wanted me to make another batch but I didn't have anymore of the ingredients since they are odd replacements for a standard cookie recipe. It's hard to find basic American ingr...