This is me at work...not really. We are having a pumpkin carving contest at work and this year we have some good ones so I'm going to let you decide which one you think is best. I had to vote more than once because I couldn't decide but I was leaning toward the lovely hairnet and mask pumpkin. Because I can relate. The alien pumpkin is pretty clever, though. I love the little mini pumpkins all coming out of the mother ship pumpkin. Being a dietitian, I can't help but be attracted to the food-related theme pumpkins like this cheeseburger and fries pumpkin. I never thought about carving a pumpkin horizontally and the seeds are the sesame seeds of the hamburger bun. (I couldn't help to be touchy, feely on this one and I think the hamburger is a real cooked hamburger!) Another food-related pumpkin is the one made by one of my fellow dietitians featuring the vitamin A theme. She included a couple of different squash ...